Fine Arts Night 2025

Posted 3/18/2025 2:21 pm
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CANS 3rd Annual Fine Arts Night is coming up on Friday, April 11, from 5-6:30 pm.

Our amazing CANS art teacher, Ms. P, is looking for volunteers starting this week to assist with preparing art for display. We also need volunteers for various roles the night of the event, including assisting with the raffle, refreshment help, and facilitating the community art project.

Click here to volunteer

We are also seeking instruments and specific supplies to round out some art/craft supply baskets that will be raffled off that evening to raise money for the PTO. Contact Christina Smart (513-302-8889, for more info, or see the sign-up genius for specific items to purchase to help fill our baskets of fun prizes:

Help fill our raffle!

hide sectionVolunteer Opportunities
We need assistance with setup and cleanup at the Spring Buy Nothing Swap taking place at the Clifton Rec Center on Saturday, April 26th, from 10:00AM to 1:00PM.
Fine Arts Night, our annual arts showcase and spring PTO fundraiser, is coming up on Friday, April 11th. Doors open at 4:45PM. Performances will start in the auditorium on the 3rd floor promptly at 5:00. The evening concludes at 6:30PM. We need assistance with preparing for Fine Arts Night, as well as volunteers to work at the event.

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