Back-to-School Supply Drive for the 2024-25 School Year

Posted 7/9/2024 12:32 pm
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Links to School Supply Sign-Ups:

Instead of distributing individual school supply lists to families, the CANS community works together to purchase the classroom supplies that all our students need. Our goal is to have the majority of supplies purchased and delivered to classrooms before the first day of school on Wednesday, August 14th! You can contribute by purchasing supplies for any grade.

Please label supplies with the grade and (if relevant) teacher of the classroom they are for and drop them off:

Drop-off Option 1:
In CANS's main office (door located on the west side of the building, facing the CRC), anytime during office hours (weekdays, 8:00-2:30) beginning Thursday, August 1st

Drop-off Option 2:
At CANS's Meet the Teacher Morning (Tuesday, August 13th at 8AM)

You can also donate to the PTO to support the purchase of supplies that are still needed. To do so, choose one of the options listed on the Donate page, and include the note “Back-to-School Supplies” with your donation .

hide sectionVolunteer Opportunities
We need assistance with setup and cleanup at the Spring Buy Nothing Swap taking place at the Clifton Rec Center on Saturday, April 26th, from 10:00AM to 1:00PM.

Upcoming Events