After School Care
Learn about three after-school options for students.
CoStars administered through BestPoint
Website/RegistrationAges: Pre-K through 6th
Hours: 2:30PM to 6:00PM during CPS school days
Location: CANS building
- Program fees vary by age; full week and partial week schedules available; childcare vouchers accepted
- Programming in the CANS Lower Level; students are assembled and escorted at the end of the school day and parents pick up via secure back door.
- At your request, CANS-administered after school activities and some community-administered after school activities (fees may apply for community-administered programming) will gather and escort CoStars registered students to CoStars at the end of the activity allowing a seamless after-school experience.
- Enrolling now for the 2024-2025 school year with continuous enrollment to open slots throughout the school year. Call 513-272-2800 or visit
Clifton Recreation Center
Website/RegistrationAges: K through 6th
- Before Care: 7:00AM to 9:00AM during CPS school days
- After Care: 2:30PM to 6:00PM during CPS school days
Location: 320 McAlpin Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45220
- Programming at Clifton Recreation Center; students are assembled and escorted by CRC personnel at the end of the school day and parents pick up at CRC.
- At your request, CANS-administered after school activities and some community-administered after school activities (fees may apply for community-administered programming) will gather and escort CRC registered students to CRC at the end of the activity allowing a seamless after-school experience.
- Offers additional, optional programming throughout the school year.
Contact : Brittany Havens,
- Monday, July 8, 2024 at 9am: Re-registration begins for returning families
- Monday, July 15, 2024 at 9am: Registration open to new families
Winton Place Youth Center
Website/RegistrationHours: 2:00PM to 6:00PM, Monday through Thursday
Location: 4609 N. Edgewood, Cincinnati, OH 45232
- Homework help, tutoring, enrichment, and athletic programming
- Evening meal and snack provided
- You can request that your child’s CPS bus stop is changed so they are dropped off at Winton Place Youth Center. Use this form to submit a CPS Deviated Stop Request
- Cost: $30/month
Registration: Enquire for availability
hide sectionVolunteer Opportunities
We need assistance with setup and cleanup at the Spring Buy Nothing Swap taking place at the Clifton Rec Center on Saturday, April 26th, from 10:00AM to 1:00PM.
Fine Arts Night, our annual arts showcase and spring PTO fundraiser, is coming up on Friday, April 11th. Doors open at 4:45PM. Performances will start in the auditorium on the 3rd floor promptly at 5:00. The evening concludes at 6:30PM. We need assistance with preparing for Fine Arts Night, as well as volunteers to work at the event.